Ichinoseki Linear Collider Bulletin
ILCNews vol.17 Mar 2016
- Elementary students create signs of support
- Symposium held in lead up to G7 meeting in Sendai
- Playing “karuta” and learning about the ILC
- Illustrations and dioramas
- An ILC class at Higashiyama Elementary
- Talking about the ILC at the City Council
- Other news
- Ichinoseki Lives Cosmopolitan (introduction of international residents in Ichinoseki)
- Notices
- Enquiries
Elementary students create signs of support
A ceremony was held outside the front entrance of Okutama Elementary School in Ichinoseki’s east on March 11 to unveil an ILC sign which sixth-grade students created to commemorate their graduation from elementary school.
The fourteen sixth-grade students, people involved in producing the sign, and the rest of the school’s students attended the ceremony, at which Shuusei Fujino and Hayao Fujiwara, two sixth-grade boys representing the students, said: “We think it would be wonderful if the ILC is here when we are grown up, and we can work with people from around the world in shaping the future. We’ll think about what we can do to make that day come.”
Along with the four-meter wide by two-meter high sign mounted at the front entrance of the school, two other signs supporting the ILC were put up in the town; one at a local community center and the other on the grounds of a solar power facility, so that many people see the signs and feel close to the ILC.
The signs feature images of the Big Bang and people from around the world holding hands, and a message supporting the realization of the ILC, urging the students of Okutama Elementary to spread their wings from Iwate to the world.
In making the signs, the school’s Parent Teacher Association used a city subsidy which encourages children to promote their region. Parents and their children first attended a seminar about the ILC and visited the Space and Astronomy Museum in neighboring Oshu City, learning more about the ILC and the universe to make the signs together.
Symposium held in lead up to G7 meeting in Sendai
The Tohoku Economic Federation held a symposium in Sendai on May 12 titled “The ILC and Creative Reconstruction of Tohoku” in commemoration of the G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governor’s Meeting held the following week.
Professor Shigeru Ito, a specially-appointed professor at Waseda University, gave the keynote speech titled “The ILC and Creating a New Tohoku,” saying: “We need local companies to help in making the ILC, not just large companies. There are many companies in the Tohoku region that have the technical expertise to make precision equipment, and there is a high chance they’ll have opportunities to do so,” adding: “If the ILC is built here, I expect new industries to unfold from Morioka to Sendai.”
A panel discussion followed, guided by Mr Eisaku Nishiyama, General Manager of the Industry and Economic Division at the Tohoku Economic Federation, and speaking as panelists were: Professor Seiichi Otaki of the Graduate School of Economics and Management at Tohoku University; Associate Professor Tomoyuki Sanuki of the Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science at Tohoku University; Mr Makoto Okumura, Deputy Director of the International Research Institute for Disaster Science at Tohoku University; Ms Tokiko Onuki, Campus Designer at Tohoku University; and Mr Yukie Chida, Director of Chida Precision Products Co., Ltd.
The panelists discussed issues in realizing the ILC, town planning and necessary actions in each of the stages (pre-preparation, preparation, construction, and beginning of operations).
With regard to the construction stage, it was noted that a framework would be necessary for transporting ILC equipment to the construction site from within Japan and abroad, as would a facility near the site for inspecting the equipment, and that it will be necessary to consider the maintenance and future use of transport routes.
With regard to local companies getting involved in the ILC, it was noted it is important how companies positioned the ILC within their business strategy, and that they should be always be keeping an eye out for how they can get involved.
With regard to town planning with the ILC in mind, it was noted it is important to think about building towns which are attractive and make use of things particular to Tohoku, such as its nature, traditions and food, and to use local timber when building facilities for example.
Playing “karuta” and learning about the ILC
Sets of “karuta” cards - a popular game in Japan where people race to grab a card that has been called out - have been distributed to each class in elementary schools in Ichinoseki City, after-school clubs, civic centers and so on, to have kids enjoy learning about the ILC. The cards were made by the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (also known as KEK), who solicited entries nationwide for the cards and chose 44 for the set.
Illustrations and dioramas
Ichinoseki City makes use of ILC illustrations and its ILC dioramas to promote and further understanding of the ILC at various events both within the city and in other cities.
On February 17, there was an exhibition for companies to showcase their technology and form new partnerships, hosted by the South Iwate Research Center of Technology and other organizations for the tenth time and held at the Ichinoseki City Gymnasium. The city set up an ILC booth, and displayed one of the superconducting radiofrequency cavities that would be at the heart of the ILC, and an ILC diorama which is usually on display in the lobby of the city office.
The diorama was also on display at the welcome reception for the 2016 G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governor’s Meeting held in Sendai on May 20 and 21, and at an event in Takizawa City in the middle of Iwate Prefecture on May 28 and 29, held by Iwate Asahi TV to commemorate their 20th anniversary of being on air.
ILC class at Higashiyama Elementary
Higashiyama Elementary School held an observation day on February 23 where parents could sit in on classes, and the ILC Promotion Division was asked to speak to the sixth-graders about the ILC.
ILC Promotion Division staff showed an introductory DVD and slides to 66 sixth-graders and their parents while talking about the nature of ILC research and why the Kitakami Mountains were chosen as a candidate site for construction. The children listened attentively to talk about the possibility that state-of-the-art research might be conducted near where they live.
Talking about the ILC at the City Council
A special meeting was convened in the Ichinoseki City Council on May 17 to discuss town planning with the ILC in mind and efforts being made to bring the project to fruition and create an academic research city.
A city employee outlined the efforts Ichinoseki is making to realize the ILC, and Ms Anna Thomas, Ms Amanda Wayama and Mr Nathan Hill, members of Iwate Prefecture’s “ILC Caravan,” spoke about issues in making the region more international.
Ms Thomas, from the U.S. and working as the Internationalization Coordinator for Oshu City, emphasized the importance of information being made available in multiple languages, saying: “When foreigners have a problem living in Japan, they usually ask another foreigner or check the internet. If the ILC comes, I think the number of foreigners who can understand Japanese will rise, but right now there aren’t many and there are issues in getting information across.”
Ms Wayama, from the U.S. and working as International Communications Officer for Iwate Prefecture, talked about how evacuation points in times of emergency, visa matters and other information is available in English on the prefecture’s website. With regard to translating content, she said it can be difficult collaborating with relevant departments in checking information to make sure it is correct, and also commented on the importance of translating information into languages other than English.
Mr Hill, from Australia and working as the Internationalization Coordinator for Ichinoseki City, conveyed requests from foreigners living in Ichinoseki, such as an increase in the number of stores where credit cards can be used, and calls for more opportunities for international exchange. He also mentioned how the city is moving on putting information for foreigners up on its website.
The “ILC Caravan” is a new program run by Iwate Prefecture beginning this fiscal year, as part of efforts to realize the ILC. Foreigners living in Iwate and prefectural staff are sent to requesting organizations to talk about making local areas more international.
Other news
Fifth meeting by working group on human resources for the ILC
A working group formed to consider human resources necessary for the ILC held its fifth meeting on May 25, and collated an outline of the report it will deliver to a panel of experts.
The outline states that strategic human resource training is essential to realize the ILC, and recommends encouraging young employees to take part in maintenance and large-scale upgrades at existing accelerator facilities. It also proposes that if a new accelerator project is realized, to get young employees involved in a system of support and its management.
The working group is scheduled to submit the report and its opinions to the panel of experts this summer.
Federation of Diet Members for the ILC visits the United States
Members of the non-partisan Federation of Diet Members for the ILC, chaired by Mr Takeo Kawamura, member of the House of Representatives, made a three-day trip to the United States on February 11.
On February 11, the members took part in what was the first “US-Japan Forum on Science and Technology.” Participants shared the view that science and technology are important for furthering the US-Japan relationship and in terms of security, and that there should be more co-operation between the U.S. and Japan in terms of advanced accelerator technology including the ILC, space projects, nuclear fusion, and super computers. Participants agreed that holding the forums was important and that they should be convened at regular intervals.
On February 12, the members took part in a meeting at the Hudson Institute, a US think-tank in Washington, DC. Mr Hiroaki Takahashi, joint representative of the Tohoku ILC Promotion Council and Mr Kunihisa Yamura, chairman of the Iwate Prefecture ILC Promotion Council, conveyed local enthusiasm for the ILC and lively discussions ensued.
Ichinoseki Lives Cosmopolitan (introduction of international residents in Ichinoseki)
While working on making the ILC a reality, Ichinoseki is working on making itself a more international city. Here, we introduce international residents active in Ichinoseki. This time it’s Kevin Kanalley, from New York in the U.S., who has taught English at elementary and junior high schools in Ichinoseki since 2014 and lives in Senmaya in the city’s east.
- Q: What are your interests?
- A: I like music, movies and games, and am interested in the art of storytelling. I enjoy learning about Japanese culture, as well as the language. I’m a huge supporter of Tan-tan-men, as I enjoy spicy foods.
- Q: What do you like about Ichinoseki?
- A: I like how welcoming the people of Ichinoseki have been, and have made a lot of friends here. It’s good fun having BBQs together and so on.
- Q: Is there anything you would like to try with regard to children's English education?
- A: I would like students to understand that English is more than just a language; it is a gateway to global knowledge and other cultures. Studying other cultures also allows you to learn a lot about yourself and your own heritage.
- Q: Lastly, a word on making the ILC a reality.
- A: I hope it comes as the scientific and medical potential the ILC could bring not only to Ichinoseki but the entire world is staggering. The economic benefits and international development it would bring could also change the perception of Tohoku as a whole.
Ichinoseki Science Cafes
The “Ichinoseki Science Cafes” are a place to chat with researchers and other experts over coffee and snacks while learning more about science, fundamental particle physics and the ILC.
Number of participants per session: about 30
Cost: 200 yen (students free)
Applications/enquiries: ILC Promotion Division, Phone: 0191-21-2111 (interior line 8647) or email: ilc@city.ichinoseki.iwate.jp
The first and second Science Cafes for this fiscal year will be held as follows:
First Cafe | |
Date | Sunday, July 31st, 2pm-4pm |
Venue | Daito Public Library |
Speaker | Associate Professor Tomoyuki Sanuki of the Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science at Tohoku University |
Second Cafe | |
Date | Saturday, September 3rd, 2pm-4pm |
Venue | Kawasaki Civic Center |
Speaker | Dr Masakazu Yoshioka, Visiting Professor at Tohoku University and Iwate University and Professor Emeritus at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization |
Holding seminars about the ILC
Ichinoseki City can send city employees to seminars and other gatherings to talk about the ILC, and also assist in arranging talks by staff from the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, or the ILC Caravan run by Iwate Prefecture.
Please call or email the ILC Promotion Division if you have any questions about content in this newsletter or other matters.
TEL: 0191-21-2111 (internal lines 8646 and 8647)
E-mail: ilc@city.ichinoseki.iwate.jp