Disaster preparedness / 防災
Disaster preparedness / 防災
Evacuation sites (避難場所) and Evacuation Shelters (避難所) in Ichinoseki
[Important] Evacuation sites (hinanbasho) and evacuation shelters (hinanjo) have different purposes! Evacuation sites are places or facilities to escape to when you feel that you may be in danger. Meanwhile, evacuation shelters are for those who are unable to return home (for example, because their home has been damaged) once the danger has subsided.
[Evacuation Sites] Specified emergency evacuation areas: if you feel that your life may be in danger, these are the places to escape to first. Please make sure to check what type of disaster each location is prepared to handle (please check MyMaps and link below).
Designated evacuation shelters: The core evacuation centers in an area. These are coordinated by neighborhood evacuation centers. City officials, facility managers, and voluntary disaster prevention organizations cooperate to manage them.
These are the evacuation sites and shelters in the case of large scale emergencies ↓
Ichinoseki Evacuation Map (official)
Evacuation Map Key [1476KB pngファイル]
Google MyMaps of Ichinoseki Evacuation Sites (Updated March 2023)
Each evacuation site has information on what kind of disaster it is designed for either flooding, landslide (sediment) or earthquake. Please also make sure to check the most up to date information on the Ichinoseki City website, and on Ichinoseki City's official Twitter. To check for the safest routes, use the Ichinoseki Evacuation Map (Official) linked above as a reference.
[PDF of all evacuation sites and shelters in Ichinoseki] http://www.city.ichinoseki.iwate.jp/index.cfm/30,0,64,659,html
How to get disaster information
Information on evacuations etc, is announced using outdoor loud speakers located throughout the city, ‘Ichinoseki Mail’, ‘FM ASMO(79.5MHz) Dedicated Radio (Ichinoseki Disaster Radio –You can get a free disaster radio if you are an Ichinoseki resident. This radio can only broadcast FM ASMO and has an On/Off switch. It will automatically switch on and broadcast any important information regarding a disaster –such as evacuation orders)’ and ‘Emergency Email’. However, for example, the outdoor loud speakers cannot be heard indoors when it’s windy and rainy; and emergency e-mails cannot be received on some mobile phones. ‘FM ASMO Dedicated Radio’ is the most reliable way of receiving information. (Other good resources include the City Homepage, Official City Twitter Feed, and Official City Facebook –these resources are all in Japanese)
Ichinoseki Mail
Register for Ichinoseki Mailwhich includes
◆Information on disaster occurrence such as fire and rescue
◆Outdoor public relations ‘mast’ broadcast content
◆Crime prevention and consumer protection
◆Event information.
You can also receive information from Ichinoseki Mail onthe smartphone app @InfoCanal
Please check the city fire department headquarters homepage for details such as how to set it up.
ルート確認はIchinoseki Evacuation Map (official)をもとに行ってください。
避難情報は「屋外広報マスト」「FMあすも専用ラジオ(一関防災ラジオ)」「緊急速報メール」などでお知らせしています。FMあすも専用ラジオは FM あすものみを放送し、オン/オフ を設定できます。災害に関する重要な情報(避難指示など)を自動的に放送します。しかし、「屋外広報マスト」は、屋外にいる人に広報するため設備なので、雨や風の強い日は屋内にいると聞こえないことや、「緊急速報メール」は利用できない携帯電話もあるなど欠点もあります。屋内にいる時は、「FMあすも専用ラジオ」を活用しましょう。